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What Else Can You Do on the Social Security Website?
The Social Security website is ssa.gov. In addition to applying for Medicare, the site lets you:
- Apply for retirement or disability benefits
- Request a Social Security card
- Estimate your future retirement benefit
- Manage Medicare benefits
- Apply for Medicare Extra Help
Both Medicare.gov and ssa.gov are designed to answer common questions to save you the aggravation of long hold or wait times.
Do You Have to Sign Up for Medicare?
You become eligible for Medicare when you turn 65. If you are already collecting Social Security benefits three months before your 65th birthday, you will be automatically enrolled in both Part A and Part B (Original Medicare). You also enjoy automatic enrollment if you are a Railroad Retirement Board beneficiary. Everyone else has to apply.
Will You Be Notified That It’s Time to Enroll?
The only people who receive notification that they qualify for Medicare are those who are already receiving Social Security benefits before they turn 65. Again, all notices from Medicare and Social Security are via the U.S. Postal Service. Anyone who calls claiming to be from Medicare is trying to steal your money or your identity – or both.
However, you will likely receive mailers from private insurers in the months leading up to your 65th birthday. These mailers typically contain information about Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D prescription drug plans. This information may come in handy when you’re ready to compare your Medicare plan options.
You can also compare your Advantage and Part D plan options with our Find a Plan tool. Enter your location information, projected start date, and hit Continue to review plan offerings in your area.
Do You Have to Sign Up for Medicare?
You become eligible for Medicare when you turn 65. If you are already collecting Social Security benefits three months before your 65th birthday, you will be automatically enrolled in both Part A and Part B (Original Medicare). You also enjoy automatic enrollment if you are a Railroad Retirement Board beneficiary. Everyone else has to apply.
The only people who receive notification that they qualify for Medicare are those who are already receiving Social Security benefits before they turn 65. Again, all notices from Medicare and Social Security are via the U.S. Postal Service. Anyone who calls claiming to be from Medicare is trying to steal your money or your identity – or both.
However, you will likely receive mailers from private insurers in the months leading up to your 65th birthday. These mailers typically contain information about Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D prescription drug plans. This information may come in handy when you’re ready to compare your Medicare plan options.
You can also compare your Advantage and Part D plan options with our Find a Plan tool. Enter your location information, projected start date, and hit Continue to review plan offerings in your area.
Will You Be Notified That It’s Time to Enroll? --New1
The only people who receive notification that they qualify for Medicare are those who are already receiving Social Security benefits before they turn 65. Again, all notices from Medicare and Social Security are via the U.S. Postal Service. Anyone who calls claiming to be from Medicare is trying to steal your money or your identity – or both.
However, you will likely receive mailers from private insurers in the months leading up to your 65th birthday. These mailers typically contain information about Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D prescription drug plans. This information may come in handy when you’re ready to compare your Medicare plan options.
You can also compare your Advantage and Part D plan options with our Find a Plan tool. Enter your location information, projected start date, and hit Continue to review plan offerings in your area.
We know that Medicare may not be your favorite subject, but we’re here to help. We’ll provide you with easy-to-understand information so you can be as much of a Medicare expert as you want to be. Just remember — we are always here to help.
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